Report An Issue If you believe you have discovered a security or privacy vulnerability in Jooan's products, please report it to us.
1. Report a security or privacy vulnerability If you believe that you've discovered a security or privacy vulnerability that affects Jooan devices, software, or services, please report it directly to us via Reports should include the following information: · Specific product and software version(s) that you believe are affected · A technical description of the behavior that you observed and the behavior that you expected · The steps required to reproduce the issue · A proof of concept or exploit
2. Vulnerability review phase 1) Within 3 business days, Jooan Security Response Center (hereinafter referred to as JSRC) staff will acknowledge receipt of the vulnerability report and follow up to start assessing the issue. 2) Within 14 business days, JSRC staff will process the issue and give a conclusion. If necessary, they will communicate with the reporter to confirm and ask for his/her assistance.
3. Vulnerability remediation completion phase The R&D department fixes the vulnerabilities, and the fixing time depends on the severity of the problem and the difficulty of fixing it, within 3 working days for serious and high-risk vulnerabilities, within 7 working days for medium-risk risks, and within 14 working days for low-risk risks. Some of the vulnerabilities are restricted by version releases, and the repair time is determined according to the actual situation. Serious or major impact vulnerabilities will be issued separately emergency security bulletin.
Information about products not manufactured by Jooan, or independent websites not controlled or tested by Jooan, is provided without recommendation or endorsement. Jooan assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance, or use of third-party websites or products. Jooan makes no representations regarding third-party website accuracy or reliability.